blessings swirling

'Blessings Swirling' contemporary abstract landscape painting by New Mexico artist Dawn Chandler.


blessings swirling
by dawn chandler

24" x 24" ~ oil & mixed media on canvas~ available via Etsy.

This painting hangs in my studio. It's not of a specific place. Yet it transports me to several different locations out here. One is the drive from Santa Fe down toward Galisteo and Cerrillos. My Good Man and I made that drive one summer's weekend afternoon just as a storm was moving across the mesas. The sky was electric. 

Another is driving on I-25 between Las Vegas and Raton, on the east side of the Sangres...

Still another is north of here, up on 285 between Ojo Caliente and Colorado, near San Antonio Mountain.

Interesting that this painting is a lot simpler than many of my semi-abstract landscapes. For that reason it's a bit more peaceful. Maybe more contemplative?


Read more about this painting via in ts description in my Etsy shop.