morning dawning in the enchanted forest

'Morning Dawning in the Enchanted Forest' original plein air landscape painting in oil by New Mexico artist Dawn Chandler

morning dawning in the enchanted forest
by dawn chandler

8" x 10" ~ oil on panel ~ en plein air

A painting from early one morning in 2017, when my pup Wilson and I hiked up to one of our favorite aspen forests above Santa Fe. I had eventually offered this painting for sale, but when my Wilson died last year (she was 14....) I removed it from my Etsy shop, along with all of my other paintings that reminded me of her. I just needed to hold on to them for a while, as if doing so might keep her closer to me. 

I'm glad I did that. It was a small but real comfort.

Now a year later, I'm finally able to release these paintings — at least some of them. But my wonderful memories of hiking and painting with my sweet pup remain. May some of the joy we shared in the landscape come through in these paintings. 🐕‍🦺 🌳 💖

Morning Dawning in the Enchanted Forest is available via my Etsy shop.