new mexico evening storm glow


'New Mexico Evening Storm Glow' - original New Mexico landscape painting in oil by artist Dawn Chandler of a sunset sky over the Jemez Mts from Las Companas, Santa Fe.

new mexico evening storm glow
by dawn chandler

11" x 40" ~ oil on panel ~ available on my Etsy shop.

"This was an utterly magical evening for me. For this is the evening when the nighthawks put on a glorious soaring dance for me. As I stood on the roof with my camera capturing the sunset, the nighthawks swooped and soared all around me...."

The third of seven "exploration" paintings I created for a huge landscape commission project of a New Mexico sky scene. Curious? Read the full story of the commission project on my blog. Meanwhile, I'm happy to finally make these exploration paintings available to the public; find the details of New Mexico Evening Storm Glow on its listing on Etsy.

Detail of 'New Mexico Evening Storm Glow' - original New Mexico landscape painting in oil by artist Dawn Chandler of a sunset sky over the Jemez Mts from Las Companas, Santa Fe.