beautiful santa fe summer morning

'Beautiful Santa Fe Summer Morning' - original New Mexico landscape painting in oil by artist Dawn Chandler of sunrise sky above Santa Fe from Las Compañas.

beautiful santa fe summer morning
by dawn chandler

11" x 40" ~ oil on panel ~ available on my Etsy shop.

"Magnificent billowing morning clouds move across the Jemez and Caja del Rio, as seen from Las Campañas, Santa Fe. This is one of only two paintings in this series that I did of morning; the others are all of sunset..."

The seventh and last of the "exploration" paintings I created for a huge landscape commission project of a New Mexico sky scene. Curious? Read the full story of the commission project on my blog. Meanwhile, I'm happy to finally make these exploration paintings available to the public; find the details of Beautiful Santa Fe Summer Morning on its listing on Etsy.